Position: 38º 25.482′ N 71º 59.202′ W
Well that was fun. Our little gale blew right on time, and gave us a post-Gulf Stream daily average speed of 7 knots. It is a strange thing to be sad to see such powerful weather evaporate, but now, as I look at our paltry 5.4 knot avg, and our (delayed) ETA, I find myself doing just that.
Picture a man, wrinkled and greying, standing, head above the dodger, ducking to avoid the sheets of spray shooting over the weather decks. A giant wave (12-15′) crests behind him as he turns, smiling. The vessel under his feet has carried him and his family more than 25,000 nautical miles, in safety and relative comfort. He knows that she can handle the monster that is bearing down, now about to crash over the afterdeck. His boat lifts, and then takes off. An exhilaratingly fast (15.5 knots) surf on a 43′ long board. At the trough, the boat turns out gracefully and her skipper smiles again, bidding goodbye to the swell.
It is not a bad way to close out an epic adventure.
The weather forecast shows light air from here on out. That was likely the last hurrah for Convivia and crew, on this leg anyway.
All is well.