They say no man is an island and as we embark on this adventure—replete with our water maker, mini solar farm, new high tech rigging, etc—I feel it is appropriate to acknowledge and give thanks to all the people who helped us get here.
As a knowledge worker, my ability to fund this trip came from an excellent education. The formal education I received was one of the best in the world, but my parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents all contributed to developing my intense curiosity, troubleshooting skills, and general competencies. Without these skills, and the reassurance that I could do anything that I set my mind to, I would never have been able to contemplate such an outrageous undertaking.
My family and friends have all been tremendously supportive. When one attempts to break free of the gravity of conformity, the greatest inertial force is social pressure. If our friends and family had filled us with doubt, uncertainty, and fear, we never would have launched. Instead at nearly every step, they embraced our choices, bolstered our confidence and supported our dreams.
Then there are the multitude of friends we haven’t even met (IRL) yet that have been offering support in various ways. As we got closer to our launch date, cruisers, liveaboards, and other adventurers found our blog and reached out to us. Through this network of friends we learned of the Dyneema Experience Team, and won a boatload of running rigging. We have also learned of places to visit, to fill up on diesel, and other cruising wisdoms. Some of these friends have even sent care packages, a totally unexpected and heart warming gesture of community.
Our parents and our best friends had the most cause to hold us back. Instead, they acknowledged that they would be very sad to lose our presence but were happy and proud of us for making our dreams come true. The bittersweetness of this paradox wrenches at my heart, even as it fills me with a sense of belonging and gratitude.
Then there were the small, timely gestures that made our departure smooth and kept us on schedule. My good friend Deneb offering to sell our car and take care of some administrative stuff; my friend Chris running last minute errands for us and bringing us the goods from West Marine; Chuck who not only made me standoffs for the HAM radio, but offered to send them to San Diego when he couldn’t make it in time for our sendoff; the Marina Staff (Diane, Mike, Andrea, and Chris) who helped with everything from bad neighbors, to freezing food, to space for our going away party); and those warm hearts (Jennifer, Anika, Rayna, Tincho, Gloria, Tati, Mike, Andrea, Ilia) who were there to throw off our dock lines and see us on our way.
While it may seem that the sailing vessel Convivia and her crew are a completely self sufficient, globe adventuring machine, I am here to say that we have not gotten here alone, and will not complete this trip without countless small graces. I hereby acknowledge and give thanks.
1 comment
Comment by Rob Dusablon
Rob Dusablon October 4, 2011 at 9:52 am
You guy’s rock! Best of luck on your journey’s. I will be tracking your travels, and with any luck hope to have dinner with you when you reach the North Carolina coast.
“May the Lord fill your sails with fair wind, support your hull in inviting seas, guide your hands upon the tiller toward pleasant places and bring you home, to a safe and loving harbor.”
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