We have now visited and reported on so many beautiful anchorages and towns that I’m feeling a little sheepish about declaring the new best place. So rather than declare La Cruz “the most awesomest pueblo en Mexico,” I’m going to provide some qualifications. Since we are planing to leave here tomorrow I have taken a moment to reflect on some of the things I’ll miss until we return. In no particular order:
- Food
- Tacos en Calle
- … tacos at Claudia’s
- … tacos pretty much everywhere
- …flan
- Tons of great produce at the Tuesday and Friday night markets, super cheap. Vick hauled home 3 huge backs of produce for $166 pesos (that’s about $12US). The “bunch” of cilantro is bigger than our sink. It all looks awesome!
<li>Nearly perfect weather. No bugs.</li>
<li>Super awesome, drama free cruiser community. The cruiser scene here rivals La Paz, and that's saying a lot!</li>
<li>Kid's club, and a half dozen 5-7 year old girls on our dock alone. Ruby has been gone nearly the whole time we have been in the marina.</li>
<li>Ruby taking to the town for ice cream. I would never consider this in Emeryville or even Mountain View. Here it seems natural to send her off to get her own ice cream (with a friend).</li>
<li>Cruising parents. Hanging out with other cruising parents on the dock, comparing notes and enjoying sundowners makes us feel "normal" in a way we hadn't yet. It may be a while before we get such a concentration of normal again.</li>
<li>A big small town. La Cruz is small enough to walk in an afternoon but big enough to offer choices in almost every category. It's also convenient to PV and Bucarias by bus. So far we have been either in cities or villages.</li>
<li>Music, mostly live, almost everywhere. The music is fun to hear, but it also invigorates the community making it really feel <em>alive</em>!</li>
<li>The most friendly locals of any place we have visited. I get a reply (usually with a big smile) to almost every "buenas tardes." And more than a few times someone recognized me wandering around and greeted me warmly like an old friend. It also doesn't hurt that several people have thanked us for bringing our kids!</li>
<li>Belonging. One of our cruising objectives is to find home. It's early yet, and I'm sure there are other spots that will feel like home but this is the first place so far that I can imagine growing roots in.</li>
So there it is. This place is 10x awesome and I’m not just effusing. I won’t apologize for being continuously blown away by everything that Mexico has to show me, and I won’t pretend that I think La Cruz is the last best place (though it may be). I will keep reporting with unrestrained subjectivity all of our experiences and impressions!
Comment by cindy
cindy December 28, 2011 at 6:54 am
Sold. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. Save me a fresh fish taco.
Comment by Mary Kelley via Facebook
Mary Kelley via Facebook December 28, 2011 at 8:23 am
Hope you met our friends Hugh and Barb. Mike helped them sail their Island Packet down there. They loved it so much, they leased a condo. Two of our favorite people.
Comment by Emily McDowell via Facebook
Emily McDowell via Facebook December 28, 2011 at 9:56 am
I love your blog.
Comment by ForgeOver via Facebook
ForgeOver via Facebook December 28, 2011 at 10:37 am
Thanks Emily!
Comment by ForgeOver via Facebook
ForgeOver via Facebook December 28, 2011 at 10:38 am
We met a Hugh on Perl, but that’s not an IPY. What’s their boat name?
Comment by Mary Kelley via Facebook
Mary Kelley via Facebook December 28, 2011 at 11:03 am
Their boat was Aussie Made. They sold her and are now landlubbing residents of La Cruz. (They lived on Aussie Made for over a decade.) Hugh is from Australia. If you met them, you would remember them. Great couple. So glad you are all having such wonderful experiences. Cheers.
Comment by Melinda
Melinda December 28, 2011 at 3:37 pm
It only gets better and better as you head south. I am enjoying your blog! Feliz Ano Nuevo!
Melinda s/v Daydreams
Dock B
Comment by behan
behan December 28, 2011 at 3:42 pm
I MISS LA CRUZ! It really might be the awesomest. 🙂 We managed to get happily “stuck” there for extended stays in two different seasons…
Comment by Deneb
Deneb December 29, 2011 at 11:11 pm
I also thank you for brining your kids. They are delicious.
Comment by Tucker Bradford
Tucker Bradford January 5, 2012 at 9:22 pm
Dude, thanks for proofreading. I need an editor!
Comment by Camanoe Steph
Camanoe Steph December 30, 2011 at 9:47 am
At this rate we’ll never catch up to you guys! We’re still in Mazatlan, probably leaving in the next few days and then taking our time heading towards Bandaras Bay. Sounds like everyone is having a blast. Happy New Year from Camanoe!
Comment by Cidnie
Cidnie December 31, 2011 at 5:23 am
I think the thing I am most excited about for Conviva is that I am certain there will other places in the world you will love as much as La Paz and I can’t wait to hear about it when you find them!
Comment by Suzanne
Suzanne January 6, 2012 at 8:08 am
Sounds awesome. I now have it marked in my brain as a place to visit.
Comment by Dick & Tami
Dick & Tami January 10, 2012 at 7:25 pm
We are now in Chacala – love it – understand what you mean by each new “best spot yet”. Next is La Cruz – sounds wonderful – fair winds and following seas – Dick, Tami and Tristan
Comments are closed.