I just had one of those rare pure moments of perfect bliss. It happened when I went forward to let out the boom vang. After letting it go I paused for a moment to look around (something we do almost constantly out here). Something about the familiar vista caught my attention and I went forward to the bow to figure out what it was. As my hand grasped the forestay I time-warped back to my childhood. In that moment I was standing on the bow of our Luders staring down Muscongus Sound. Ahead of me (it seemed then) was the whole world and my life, just waited to be experienced.
The time-warp ended, leaving me planted on the prow of my own boat, crossing an enormous ocean with my family. A smile threatened to split my face open with it’s enormity. I gripped the forestay tightly and leaned out over the leading edge of our boat, out into the world, my dreams, and our future.
Comment by cindy
cindy March 22, 2012 at 4:09 pm
POP! That was the sound of my heart bursting. Beautiful my friend. I am beyond thrilled for you.
Comment by Cidnie
Cidnie March 22, 2012 at 4:56 pm
<3 Big time <3
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