
Articles from this Tag

First Day of School

One of the things that our kids miss while cruising are typical stateside milestones like the First Day of School. Where I grew up the first day of school was the day after Labor Day, which happens on the first Monday of September. Five year olds begin kindergarten, and while Miles doesn’t turn five for […]

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The Frankenfold Myth

When I talk about our time in Papeete (Tahiti) I am inclined to describe it as all work and no play. When one is bogged down with projects like the Frankenfold (a.k.a the mainfold from hell), it is easy to forget that much fun has also been had. So before elaborating further on All The Fun®  allow […]

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Ruby Takes to the Sky


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Book Review: Confessions of a Public Speaker

I just devoured this book. I started it last night  (after completing the riveting final book of the Liveship Traders Trilogy) and finished it a few minutes ago.  I bought this book (somewhat impulsively) after watching Scott give a webcast on the topic a week or so ago. I have always yearned to do more […]

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140 Characters — A Review

140 Characters manages to convey a magnificent vision of the capacity of the Short Form to convey all forms of knowledge, to incite, or delight, to challenge and support.

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Parenting: What I’ve learned so far

Basically, what I’ve learned so far boils down to this. Parenting is not so much about managing your children, as it is about managing yourself. For example, in our family the kids wake up every morning (in the winter) at 6:30. 6:30 wake up calls make me a bit grumpy, so I could either: a) […]

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