
Articles from this Tag

Farewell to NBOG

This weekend we attended our last NBOG event. NBOG or Nature Based Ongoing Group, is a small community of home-schoolers and their families who strive to teach their children awareness and respect for the interdependence and interconnection of all life. In addition to being a wonderful community for Ruby NBOG has provided us with an amazing […]

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Childhood Experiences… Missing

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the kids’ childhoods will differ from their contemporaries as a result of this wild adventure we’re about to embark upon. Ruby understands that there are many things we will be giving up to go sailing around the world but I don’t think she’s got the context to […]

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Pre-K Geography

[youtube][/youtube] Believe it or not this was spontaneous. I have no idea how Miles knew where the pirates are or where Hawaii is. I guess unschooling is working for our family.

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