Aeropress Disk: Improving An Already Great Tool

July 2, 2011

I love my Aeropress. If I could work two at once I would buy a second one. It makes great coffee, and it cleans up easily (read: less water). Consequentially, I had already elected to bring it along on our trip as our primary brewing device. I had resigned myself to it’s one shortcoming, the consumable filters, and had decided to get dozens of packs (300 filters/pack) as soon as I used up my first one. 

Searching Amazon for Aeropress filters turned up an unexpected but welcome result, The Disk by Able. This is a stainless steel perforated disk that replaces the Aeropress filter. My only concern in buying the $15 item was that it would be difficult to clean.  I figured I would be able to clean it up but maybe not fast enough to clean between pressings. As it turns out I just swiped it under running water and it was ready for the second brew. The full cleanup took little longer. I used the high pressure sprayer on our faucet and it cleared the micro perforations in seconds.

The coffee quality was virtually identical to the paper filters. I noticed no sediment, though I did use a slightly coarser grind. Since we are going to be water and consumable bound, I couldn’t have asked for a better solution. If you are a traveler, or interested in being a little greener, this would be $15 well spent.


After pulling several more shots with the Disk, I did find that there was a quite noticeable silt deposit in the last sip or two. It’s no worse than a french press, and I suspect I could have ground more coarsely to avoid it. That said, I’m going to put the Disk into a backup role until I have time to diagnose. Still, for a green solution, or for travelers, you can’t beat the economy of it.


  1. Comment by Abigail

    Abigail July 2, 2011 at 9:47 am

    This post makes me really really miss coffee.

  2. Comment by Sara Johnson via Facebook

    Sara Johnson via Facebook July 2, 2011 at 10:54 am

    We are using our aeropress full time now; it’s working swell! I think we’ll pick up another for a spare before Mexico. I was hoping someone would come up with a reusable filter — great news!

  3. Comment by sarah

    sarah August 15, 2011 at 10:24 pm

    i make decaf almost every morning with our aeropress reusing the paper filter many times over…when our little stack runs out i’ll be sure to check out the disk. thanks!

  4. Comment by Dave Benjamin

    Dave Benjamin December 9, 2012 at 11:33 am

    I am a huge fan of Aeropress but have stuck with the filters. I can carry a multi-year supply in less space than a pair of binoculars occupies. One thing I started doing recently is wetting the filter a bit before putting the coffee in.

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