Victoria, Ruby, Miles, Jacob, Kate, Michael, and I left the dock at Emery Cove around noon on Friday for a 2 night stay at Alaya Cove, Angel Island. We’ve made this trip twice before but never with company. I decided to fill up the third tank (for an alleged total of 110 galons) just in case. We did our shopping the night before and got everything ship shape early on Friday morning for our guest’s 9am arrival. As expected it took a few hours to get Kate and her family moved in, and we took the opportunity to shower and pack a few more last minute maintenance tasks in.
By 1pm we had the sails up and were close hauled on a single tack that took us clear to Angel Island. We did make 2 more tacks in Raccoon Straights before dousing the sails and motoring in to the Cove. The wind was strong enough to require a 40% reduction in our 150% genoa, but it was a gentler ride than many we’ve had this summer.
We approached the harbor, made a few passes, and settled on a nice mooring close to shore and the SW cliffs. I was feeling pretty confident after our last experience but was more than happy to accept the help of the commodore of the Encinal Yacht Club and other neighbors. Within a few minutes we were on the ball and preparing the landing party.
We spent most of Friday and Saturday exploring the island and enjoying each other’s company. Friday’s priorities were: Miles wanted to go for a hike; Ruby wanted to go to the beach; Kate, Michael, Tucker, and Victoria wanted to chillax* in the cockpit with some frozen rum drinks; Jacob, well, he can’t talk so we did our best to guess, but he seemed happy. Everyone got to follow their bliss and we all went to bed smiling.
Saturday Ruby exclaimed that she wanted to hike to the hospital that we had seen on our previous trip (from the bus). We explained that it was a long hike and Miles joined enthusiastically in the plea. Vick and I didn’t need any more prodding and before long we were all plodding up giant hills toward the parade grounds. Once there we made our way down to the shore where we eventually met Boom Boom, the cannoneer. He informed us that he would be giving guided tours of the Bake House and the Victorian House with some historical narrative. Both Ruby and Miles demanded that we stay the extra hour to see the tours, and were completely engrossed in the experience.
On Sunday morning we all got ready early for a cruise by the Golden Gate Bridge and back to Emery Cove. The weather on Sunday was the most ideal of the summer. Blue sky combined with a gentle 15-20 knots of wind meant that we could have our full genoa out without being over powered. Everyone had a turn at the helm and we even did a sail by of the extraordinarily expensive A yacht.
We made it back home by 1pm and by 3pm we were showered and in the car to Mountain View for a house warming party. The quick transition was abrupt after such a memorable weekend, but the pictures and memories are sticking with me in spite of it.
- Okay, I wouldn’t normally use “chillax” except that NPR just reported that it was added to the Oxford American Dictionary—effectively signaling the official death of its cool— and making it fair game for me 🙂